What’s a better place to show off your personality and express yourself than at a rave?
Trick question. There is none.
We can’t promise you will be the best dancer, but we can promise you’ll look damn good. Let’s just say you won’t look bad on Instagram.
Here’s 10 killer rave outfit ideas for your next EDM event.
1. Fire and Ice T-Shirt: They’ve been staring at each other for 3 days. Neither of them is going to blink anytime soon. Stay sexy with this wolf tee and get those extra Instagram likes with this Game Of Thrones inspired design.
2. Power of Music T-Shirt: It’s midnight, and you’re in the middle of the woods. It’s quiet. You turn around and see a shadow with blue eyes. She’s holding a guitar and walks into an old cabin. Do you follow her inside? Take her with you with this trippy tee.
3. Astronaut Portal To The Beyond Tank: Do you go so hard that a simple tank just wont do? This is what a tank should look like after a full day at a festival. Bright, bold, and still looking good.
4. Krispy Kreme Tank: Show me one person who doesn’t like Krispy Kreme and I’ll show you a liar. Everyone likes Krispy Kreme. Do you make friends everywhere you go? Then this rave tank is just for you.
5. Hairy Chest T-Shirt and Shorts: Not going to lie, this rave outfit is not for everyone. It takes a special type of confidence to rock this. But for those that have it, this will be an eye-catcher. When you look good, you look good.
6. Crazy Cat Tank and Shorts: Take the party with you wherever you go with an out of this world outfit. This cat will keep the beats rolling as long as you can stay awake. *Prepare for an extreme experience
7. Galactic Jellyfish View Hoodie: Sometimes it can get chilly but you still want to look fresh. What will people say when they see you wearing this? Nothing. They better keep their mouth shut and just admire the view.
8. Banana Shorts: Here’s one that gives confidence. And if you're ready for it, people will be looking at your banana throughout the whole day. Yes, it’s a GOOD feeling.
9. Deep Melody: Made you look.
10. Planet of Terror T-Shirt: The man of the hour, too sweet to be sour. What you see is what you get, and what you don’t is better yet. If you bet against him, you made a bad bet.
Still hungry for more rave outfit ideas? Browse more than 1000 by pushing the button below!